This list contains the top deals I've found for Maps of Bodies of Water. We have also written about Water Softeners, Water Tanks and Water Distillers.
-- Kenneth

Maps of Bodies of Water

Maps of Bodies of Water – Find online sites that offers their maps for you and anybody else to be familiar with the world’s bodies of water. check out other sites that has these interactive games that will surely enjoy by students.
  1. World Atlas: Your ultimate source of maps here in the Web! World Atlas brings their own Alphabetical list important and significant bodies of waters including bays, canals, channels, falls, gulfs, lakes, oceans, rivers, seas, and straits. Their list is alphabetically arrange  for your own convenience. (
  2. Europe – World Atlas: This World Atlas page is dedicated to all Bodies of water in the Europe. View their legends here to keep you inform about the types of bodies of water around Europe. Check it all here. (
  3. Maps of World: A place where you can download and buy high resolution maps for your traveling experience. In this particular page, you can view the World Oceanic Map. This map labels all major and minor bodies of water around the world. This is a printable map, all you have to do is buy it. (
  4. USA Map – Maps of World: In this page, you’ll get to view all bodies of water in the USA. Also, read some articles on how these bodies of waters have a special role in some parts of USA’s history. Buy this detailed, high-resolution map here. (
  5. brings the definitions of bodies of water like the lakes, rivers, seas, oceans, bays, streams, and more.  Other than defining these terms, they also give major examples of such bodies of water. (
  6. Geography Label Me: These are free maps that are blank. These maps are perfect for your Geography classes for your students will label them. Download all continents here. (
  7. Sheppard Software: Use Sheppard Software’s learning games in getting to know the world map well. View all their map games here that helps identify the countries, Bodies of land and water, food origins and more. (
  8. Quizlet: Quizlet offers their interactive Flashcards for countries including their famous bodies of water. These maps are a creative way for your children or students to learn such bodies of water. (
  9. Google Images: Both low and high resolution images of maps of Bodies of waters are compiles by Google here. Check them out now! (
  10. View Asia’s major bodies of waters here. View complete description as well as accurate coordinates. Download their labeled maps here. (

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  1. From Getting the Right Gifts on 04 Aug 2011 at 2:48 am

    […] Maps of bodies of water. At the risk of sounding selfish, can I put another one on the list for me? When I said I moved to South America you probably thought of me sunning myself on a lovely beach and playing football with a coconut, didn’t you? That’s not quite the case. Look at a map of South America and then try to find the point furthest from the sea. That’s where I live. Even the local river gets dried up in winter time. I need to look at these maps to remind me what water is. Strangely, everywhere else I lived was an island (UK, Ireland, Mallorca) and I am so used to seeing the water that I get confused by mirages now. […]

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