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-- Sofia

Refrigerator Reviews

Refrigerator Reviews – Every household in this day and age ought to have a refrigerator. If you have just bought a refrigerator or you’re planning to buy one, it is advantageous if you know what other people would have to say about the product you now own or eyeing on. Here are some sites that provide reviews on refrigerators.

  1. Refrigerators on CNET Reviews – CNET is a reputable review website for the latest gadgets and tech-products. The reviews are in-depth, informative and reliable. In the case of their refrigerator reviews specifically, you can find reviews authored by both a user and a CNET reviewer. Most of the reviews are descriptive, well-organized and honest. Each review contains a product rating, then a quick summary, plus an account of the product’s pros and cons. If you want to compare refrigerators for your next purchase, this website will provide you all the essential information you need including the price for each product in different stores, specs and user ratings. (
  2. Refrigerator Reviews on – This website is great source for user reviews coming from buyers who seem to be inherently ready to lend a hand in other people’s quest to find a new fridge, or maybe they are just either utterly impressed or greatly disappointed by their purchase. Whatever reason they may have, they clearly helped make this website a reliable spring of information. You can find the refrigerators listed according to user reviews and type. This makes browsing a bit harder on this site because most people prefer to deal with merchandise according to brand. (
  3. Refrigerator Reviews on – If you are searching for a greatly informative website to aid you in picking a refrigerator, it is this one. Once you go to their website, you will interactive features all geared to make your way to a purchase you won’t regret. Each product is described by product overview, ratings, brand reliability, user reviews, price and shops where you can buy them. You need to sign-in to access these information, however. It has multiple rating systems to gauge the performance of the refrigerators in review. (
  4. Refrigerator Reviews at – In their own words, makers of this site first collect the best reviews, analyze what people like according to these reviews and then recommend these picks to others. When you visit this site, you will see the top 4 best reviewed fridges, a tutorial to clarify what exactly are the things you ought to look for when buying them and a full report link where you can find reviews on all types of fridges. If you are lucky, you might find a full report on that fridge you are eyeing on a store nearby and get adequate information whether or not to push through with the purchase. (
  5. Refrigerator Reviews at the – The reviews on this site are rather brief yet straightforward. At least users in this website who voice out their delight or dissatisfaction with the fridge they just bought are quite honest. The navigation in this website is easy which is a plus factor. (
  6. Refrigerator Reviews at – If you want to compare refrigerators, this is a good place to start. You can refine search criteria based on brand, category, even by price, greenness and character. Also, when you click a link to one product, you will see written reviews, ‘the Good and the Bad’ numerical description of the appliance, price comparison from different stores, complete specs, and frequently asked questions about this unit. Basically, you can compare various fridges you are interested in and place them side by side for a better view using the ‘Compare’ tool. (
  7. Refrigerator Reviews at – For easy browsing, refrigerators are categorized into the usual brand, type, style and features available. You can also compare products side by side in this website. Star ratings, user reviews and price comparison from different outlets can be obtained here too. The reviews are quite honest but are few. This website is equally helpful than the rest but it didn’t have an exceptional feature that stood out. (
  8. Refrigerator Reviews at – Don’t be fooled by the crudeness of the interface of this site. It is packed with more information other websites weren’t able to provide. Basically, fridges are reviewed according to brand and type and an additional review section contains articles such as top 10 reviewed refrigerators, stainless steel refrigerator reviews, etc. The thing about this website is that although specific model reviews are few, they only choose to show brands they truly are impressed about and recommend them to buyers who visit their site. You are also guided on what to look for in a specific type of refrigerator. (
  9. Refrigerator Review Ratings – Even if the site itself is simple, they make up for quality information. In a link to particular model, you will see price ratings, product highlights, specs, feature ratings, energy saving ratings and user ratings. Unlike the other sites mentioned, you will not only be bombarded with figures you don’t understand, each numerical rating is explained and features are well-defined in words. (
  10. – This is another refrigerator review website that says ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover.’ It may not have great features like those sites mentioned previously but the reviews for a decent number of refrigerator models found here are detailed, complete, informative and extremely useful for any prospective. (
  11. – The reviews in this site are generalized and you will find are promotional articles for each brand. This website is not helpful since buyers can’t find a specific review here that will correspond to the model they are planning to buy. Skip this site as it doesn’t give you sufficient information. (

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  1. From Home Worker Needs Help With Housework on 16 Oct 2011 at 7:56 pm

    […] Refrigerator reviews. Here we have an extremely useful household appliance which I apparently need to clean sometimes. Maybe I spill the odd yogurt or drip the odd ice cream inside it but aren’t they all self cleaning anyway? Maybe if I check the reviews I will find out. And I certainly don’t accept any of the responsibility for that crinkled up broccoli/carrot/unidentified vegetable in the corner. The very thought. […]

Refrigerator Reviews, rated 5 out of 5, based on 1 ratings.

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