This list contains the top deals I've found for Kitchen Backsplash Pictures. We have also written about Kitchen Decorating Ideas, White Kitchen Cabinets and The Kitchen Blues.
-- Lena

Kitchen Backsplash Pictures

A kitchen backsplash’s purpose is to protect the wall of the kitchen from “backsplash” of oil (from the cooking stove) and from water (from the kitchen sink). However, a kitchen backsplash need not be sterile-looking and boring. A fitting kitchen backsplash should be both functional and attractive. Here are some websites that feature varied treatments for kitchen backsplash design.  Classical, modern, country or eclectic, the choice is yours.

  1. Kitchen Backsplash Options:  You don’t have to get stuck with the traditional 4”x4” glazed ceramic white tiles for your kitchen backsplash. You have the option to use glass tiles or blocks, metal tiles, granite or marble tiles, slate or even engineered stones. But how will you know which material is best for you? This website lists down the advantages and disadvantages of available materials for a kitchen backsplash. (
  2. The Kitchen Backsplash: The kitchen backsplash could very well be the focal point of the whole kitchen more so if there are potential “eye sores” in the kitchen such as a window with no view or one that has a terrible view. In instances when the focal point of the kitchen is the island with its multiple state-of-the-art kitchen equipment, the kitchen backsplash should be subtle. (
  3. Kitchen Backsplash Ideas: There are plenty of options for a kitchen backsplash. You can use traditional 4”x4” white ceramic tiles or a horizontal 1”x2” tiles or glass mosaics or glass tiles and more. The idea is to choose which material and design is best for your kitchen. (
  4. 60 Kitchen Backsplash Designs: The kitchen backsplash could be of any design and style as long as it goes well with the rest of the kitchen design.  It is possible to use ceramic or glass tiles, stones or slate, granite or marble or even engineered stone or laminate for the kitchen backsplash. Styling is unlimited. Here are some 60 options for a kitchen backsplash. (
  5. Revamp Your Kitchen with a DIY Backsplash (video): Here is a short instructional video on how to easily revamp your kitchen backsplash.  You don’t have to be a hardcore DIY-er to accomplish this project as it is so easy to do. This is best done for revamping old ceramic tiles. However there’s no need to remove the old tiles. (
  6. Top 10 DIY Kitchen Backsplash Ideas: The space between the kitchen wall cabinet and kitchen wall is the kitchen backsplash. It is specifically placed there to protect the walls of the kitchen more so in the areas close to the stove and sink.  Here are 10 DIY kitchen backsplash ideas that are affordable and fairly easy to do. (
  7. Kitchen Backsplash Pictures (photos): A kitchen backsplash could be seen as a statement of art.  There are plenty of designs and materials for a kitchen backsplash that it’s possible to get creative in the treatment of a kitchen backsplash.  This website has 100 pictures of creative yet functional kitchen backsplash designs that you can choose from. (
  8. Installing a Tile Backsplash in Your Kitchen: Here is an easy step-by-step instruction on how to install tile backsplash. Note that you need to remove the old backsplash to install the new tiles. You can use glass or ceramic tiles for this project. This job could take 1-3 days, depending on the area to be done and your skill. (
  9. Ideas for Tile Backsplash Designs and Photos: Tiling or re-tiling the kitchen backsplash is easy enough for a regular DIY-er.  However, for homeowners who prefer natural stone for their kitchen backsplash, a better option is to source for a professional installer.  There are different types of natural stones and varied layout styles. (
  10. Five Tips for a Beautiful Kitchen Backsplash: The kitchen is the “heart” of the home as most families spend time in the kitchen not only in preparing food but for doing homework or just conversing. Of late, intimate guests are entertained in the kitchen too. Make your kitchen more attractive by beautifying the kitchen backsplash. Here are 5 tips on how to go about it. (

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  1. From The Kitchen Blues on 05 May 2012 at 3:04 am

    […] about some kitchen backsplash tiles? Err, I’m not sure what I would do with these actually. I like to look at pictures of kitchen […]

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