This list contains the top deals I've found for Bamboo Flooring. We have also written about Flooring, Armstrong Flooring and Bamboo Shoes.
-- Sofia

Bamboo Flooring

Bamboo flooring, although it is made from a grass (bamboo) rather than a timber, is often considered a wood floor. Bamboo is an attractive alternative for flooring because of its physical similarities to hardwoods. Bamboo floor manufacturers and sellers promote its strength, durability as well as resistance to insects and moisture while having the added benefit of being eco friendly. The species of bamboo used for flooring is commonly known as “Moso” which usually grow in abundance in China. Bamboo is available in many different patterns, colors, and textures. Online you can get as many valuable ideas as you want to maximize its use and benefits when you opt for it as flooring material.

  1. Everjade Flooring Products Group– Bamboo flooring is their specialization exporting to countries that have preference for environmental bamboo flooring.  To name a few, their main products are bamboo flooring, strand woven bamboo flooring, stained bamboo flooring, hand scraped bamboo flooring, outdoor bamboo decking, bamboo door, bamboo furniture, and laminate flooring. Consistent quality is one thing that they value the most that they have established ISO9000: 2000 quality management system, ISO141001 environmental management system and has passed the CE Certification. Great amount of professional and advanced production technologies and equipment bears them a capacity of 2 million square meter solid bamboo flooring and equivalent products every year. If you are for products that are healthy, environmental and safe, then you come at the right place. (
  2. Jademask Flooring Products group – A high-quality site where you can source for bamboo flooring priced competitively as their raw materials come from South of China which is a Chinese bamboo and wood town. Their products are of superior quality that made them a reputable source of bamboo floorings of big countries as the USA and Canada, including Germany in Europe. (
  3. – There are many insights that you can find useful as you entertain the option for bamboo flooring. Critically, these insights can lead you to better understanding as you weigh your flooring options. Insights of other people logging on the site can be a big addition to all other equally important information. Bamboo flooring has all its advantages but it has also some downside like being treated with toxic binders. Details should be look into to get the bigger picture. In your situation, question of its preference over other hardwoods should be in the light of sustainability and personal design. (
  4. Treehugger – The growing preference of bamboo flooring is further given light by this site. It poses question on its being environmentally-friendly. You are also given insights on its utility benefits. The site details the advantages against the disadvantages to give you a clear understanding of your options. (
  5. Bamboo Flooring Biz – The site provides an article with buying tips and advice before you go to your local flooring retailer. An online guide, you will come to know how using it can make you give back to nature for its greatest gift which is the bamboo. Compared to other woods, bamboo has been used for many useful ways and while it is aesthetically beautiful, it is environmentally friendly as well. Bamboo floors, in various style and colors are emerging, which are available anytime you want it. (
  6. Tiger Bamboo Floor – The first class bamboo flooring supplier in the world, you can browse in the site the pictures of bamboos grown. Its abundance and the top of the line machinery to go about the production of bamboo flooring ready for export worldwide is explained in details in the site. You will also get to read the specie or kind of bamboo used as floor material. (
  7. Duro Design – You can view from the gallery of the site the many bamboo floor designs. If you have never imagined how elegant bamboo flooring can be, check out this site. Like any other floor material you can have it in different colors. The site can guide you with its many designs and colors. You can choose according to your preference. Luxurious looking bamboo floorings with magnificent colors can be yours with the site’s helpful guide. (
  8. HubPages – The decision whether to choose bamboo or conventional wood flooring should be made after considering all of the facts and choosing what works best for you. The site is helpful in your assessment of the pros and cons. It encourages you not to be swayed by what the stores tell you, or by the claims of the manufacturers. In anything, doing your homework helps leading you to ultimately buy what appeals to you the most. (
  9. iFloor – This is a systematic catalog-style guide for bamboo floors. Coded, each design and color appears with the price. You can view picture in full size as you click each. Comparison can be done right away and very accessible. You will soon find yourself ordering especially that they have free sample of each design. The site also made available discount coupons, as soon as you get the free samples and see for yourself its durability and unique design, you can use these coupons for cheaper purchase. (
  10. Huangshan Tianyu Bamboo Products Co., Ltd. – One striking feature of the site is the maintenance section. Simple tips to care for your bamboo floors are given which in themselves are easy to follow. Bamboo as a preferred floor material is detailed in each diagram that the site shows for each design and color. It is a truly remarkable answer to pressing environment care issue. (
  11. – All you can read are the advantages of the bamboo flooring which the other sites have detailed also. While the information is useful, the site appears like any other reference without the attraction, no pictures, and no clear samples to match the information. It does not appeal to the senses visually. (

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  1. From Kit Out Your Dream House on 23 Mar 2012 at 3:28 pm

    […] get my dream property sorted out then it would like a bit different. First off I’ll have some bamboo flooring please. Where I live there is a staggeringly small selection of floor coverings and I am sure I […]

Bamboo Flooring, rated 4.3 out of 5, based on 1 ratings.

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