This list contains the top deals I've found for Beeswax and Honey. We have also written about Chicken with What?, Chicken Recipes and Seaweed Products.
-- Desiree

Beeswax and Honey

  1. Bee Pollen Buzz: Provides information about the amazing natural health benefits of bee pollen and royal jelly. Also offers a variety of products made from bee pollen, honey, and beeswax. (
  2. Beeswax and Honey Soap Recipe: Includes setup, recipe and ingredients for making a soap using beeswax and honey. (
  3. Honeybees must consume eight to ten pounds of honey to produce one pound of beeswax. Honey has been known for centuries to heal wounds and treat infections. They are producers of raw honey, beeswax, pollen and natural honey products. (
  4. Cherish Products: Browse through their available natural skin care products including honey body creams, eye and foot creams, muscle rub, beeswax candles, honey, and more. (
  5. Honey Pacifica: Here you will find rich and soothing beeswax Lip Balm, Honey lip balm, honey skin cream, beeswax skin creams made of real beeswax and honey as well as natural oils and fragrances. (
  6. E&M Gold Beekeepers: Offers fresh cranberry, blueberry, wildflower, and regional honey products as well as personalized honey beeswax wedding favors. (
  7. Pinecreek Honey: At Pinecreek Honey, you’ll find Natural Beeswax Candles, Honey and Exclusive Honey Recipes. (
  8. Shadowland Seeds: Check out their beeswax and honey products including honey balms, honey buffs and salves, beeswax candles, tapers, votives and pillars, and more. (
  9. Silverbow Honey Company: Offering gourmet honey, beeswax, and gift boxes. Site also includes recipes, pictures, products, and ordering information. (
  10. Southeast Texas Honey Company: Southeast Texas Honey Company sells pure all natural filtered beeswax, honey, propolis, royal jelly, and bee pollen. (

Trackbacks & Pingbacks 1

  1. From Chicken with What? on 30 Oct 2012 at 7:32 pm

    […] chicken with beeswax and honey sauce be at all good to eat? I guess the honey would be fine but I am not even sure what beeswax […]

Beeswax and Honey, rated 4.5 out of 5, based on 1 ratings.

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