This list contains the top deals I've found for Best Carpet Cleaner. We have also written about Carpet Cleaner Rental, Vacuum Cleaner and Ghibli Vacuum Cleaner.
-- Lena

Best Carpet Cleaner

The carpet market is flooded with varied styles, textures, designs and colors of carpets. Choosing a carpet is not really daunting as all you have to do is match the carpet with the room’s interior  decoration and  take into account the function of the room and the colors used. The really daunting part, however, is cleaning and maintaining the carpet.  Here are some tips on choosing the best carpet cleaner.

  1. Different Types of Carpets: What type of carpet do you own? It is necessary to know which type of carpet is laid out in your house so you can match it with the right kind of carpet cleaner.  Carpets are classified into four major groupings: cut pile; level loop pile; cut and loop pile and carpet tile. (
  2. 2012 Best Carpet Cleaner Comparisons and Review: Priced from $78 to $279, here is a list of the top 10 best carpet cleaners and their reviews.  Bissell and Hoover seem to be the top two choices for carpet cleaners. Since there are various models, these reviews are comparative thereby making it easier for you to choose which cleaner is best for your  carpet-cleaning needs. (
  3. Carpet-Cleaning Machines. Unless you prefer to slave away vigorously scrubbing and shampooing the pile carpet in the living room, then you’re better off opting for a carpet-cleaning machine.  This machine will pick up a significant amount of dirt and extract water from the carpet. There are different types of carpet-cleaning machines and this article presents some of the top ones. (
  4. Carpet Cleaners Reviews: Stumped as to what carpet cleaner to buy? This site has some 18 carpet cleaning machines reviewed and rated by consumers. You can choose which carpet cleaner is best for you based on the type of carpet you have, your cleaning requirements and budget.  Cylindrical or upright cleaner? The choice is yours. (
  5. Fast and Easy Carpet Stain Removers: A Splotch or  a spill on your carpet is bound to happen more so if there are small children in the house or you have a some friends and family  over for dinner.  A ketchup or mustard stain on your precious off-white pile carpet is a dilemma. However, fresh spills and stains could be easily removed by using aerosol carpet stain remover. Check out options that are commercially available. (
  6. Carpet Stain Removal Guide: There are different types and kinds of carpet stain. Cleaning red wine stain off the carpet is not the same thing as ridding the carpet of latex paint stain. Cleaning a tile carpet is definitely easier that cleaning a Berber rug. Find out different tips on removing varied types of stains.(
  7. Carpet Stain Cleaning Tip (Video): This video will show you a way to effectively rid the carpet of tough stains. The materials used are regular household supplies and tools without the use of harsh chemicals. The method is eco-friendly and child-friendly. (
  8. Homemade Carpet Cleaner Recipes: You can easily opt to rent a commercial carpet cleaner but the price of a commercial carpet cleaning solution is exorbitant. If this is the case, you can always make your very own homemade carpet cleaning solution. This website presents several easy-to-do carpet cleaning solution recipes. (
  9. 14 Tips to Keep Your Carpet Fluffy, Soft and Clean (PDF): Here are 14 easy and practical tips on how to make your carpet looking great. The number one tip is to vacuum regularly. Do not let a week pass by without vacuuming your carpet. Another tip is to wipe spills immediately with a  tested cleaning solution or water in. (
  10. Caring for your carpets and rugs: Maintaining a carpet is not that hard. Know that a new carpet will look better and last longer if you vacuum it regularly. You need a few essentials such as cleaning fluid, carpet shampoo and absorbent rags or cloths to keep your carpet looking clean and fresh- smelling. (

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  1. From Time to Tidy the House on 25 Jan 2013 at 7:02 pm

    […] would the best carpet cleaner be for me? Well, it would be someone who could do it once a week without charging me too much. […]

Best Carpet Cleaner, rated 5 out of 5, based on 1 ratings.

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