I’ve had the same old look for too long and it is maybe time for a change. So what will I do to make this happen, and will it be worth it? There are some many different things I could do that I don’t even know where to start so let me sit down and think for a minute. First of all, I reckon that it is time to fact facts and do the only.
I wrote a while ago about chucking stuff up into space but it was only a joke. However, I have now realised that the readers of this site have taken me too seriously. The European Space Agency has said that the amount of space debris orbiting the Earth has reached dangerous levels. I realise that the only sensible explanation is that you all listened to what I had to say and started firing rubbish up.
When I was a kid I wanted to be a magician. To be fair, I also wanted to be a football player, a guitar player, a Blue Peter presenter and Prince Charles. At my current age and skill level the only one of those I have a chance of becoming is Charlie boy and I don’t really want to be him anymore. However, I really, really wanted to be a magician so here are some.
Do you remember that old song about walking this way? If you are from my generation them you were probably tempted to use laceless Adidas training shoes as well (although I think we called them sneakers back in the day). Those days are long gone now but what other type of footwear could help me regain the cool which I once had? Oh yes I did. Walking cradle shoes sound great but what are they?.
Arrgh, I’ve got the cold again, haven’t I? I woke up this morning with that familiar sore throat sensation and reached for the first aid cabinet. But isn’t it time to try a different remedy instead of using those same old pills again? I have long thought that body quilting was the answer. Now hear me out on this one before you jump to any conclusions. I can envisage a type of wrap around quilt.