Category Archives: Featured

Would a New Pet Keep My Floor Cleaner?

I have a problem with Bruno. I have mentioned my pooch on here before but I don’t think I have mentioned his penchant for using the living room floor as a toilet. We rescued him from the street and he seems to have some issues with going outside, so, hey, he just lifts up his leg indoors. I am not suggesting getting rid of the stumpy legged like tyke but in the future what type.

Am I the New Lady Gaga?

My life is such a bundle of laughs that the other day I stumbled across a website with details of Lady Gaga’s most atrocious outfits. Oh how I laughed at her total lack of style. Anyway, I wonder if I could dress as badly as her if I really tried hard. One of Gaga’s most lamentable dresses was apparently made entirely out of raw meat. I could go one better and get a pair of.

Help! The Aliens Are Coming

It’s ok , you can calm down. The aliens aren’t really coming. Well, maybe they are and I just don’t know about it yet. If they were then what would we do about it? The answer might be that with a little bit of forward planning we could stand up to those beasts from a far away world. What if the Earth were to be attacked by fish from a different planet? Hmm, this one.

Inventions Which Wouldn’t Change the World

We all know about the inventions which changed the world. After all, where would be without the computer, the steam engine, the fridge, electricity, the phone and thermal socks? These were created by geniuses who saw what humanity needed in order to advance and went ahead and created something which other people simply hadn’t dreamed about yet and which are now common place. However, what about those other inventions? You know, the ones that wouldn’t.

Inventions for the Lazy Person (Not Me, You Understand)

We all have little lazy moods now and then, don’t we? I know that I often enjoy kicking back and just watching the ants run over my feet as I sip something cool in my garden but that doesn’t mean I am lazy. No, I just like a gentle pace to life. Even if you are a hard working, go-getting, non stop sort of a person I would recommend that you take a leaf out.