Have you ever been to a foreign wedding? I only ask because I have got an invite to one and I don’t really know what to expect. I just did some research with my friend Mr Google and it appears that in different countries there are wildly varying customs. From the bride wearing an apron which the guests fill with money to people beating the groom’s feet, the world of weddings shows us how diverse.
Yes, it is finally time to consider a new exercise regime. I have one of those bikes which don’t go anywhere no matter how hard you pedal them (notvery in my case). It was good fun to use it at first but I am getting a bit bored of it now. How can I stay in shape and have some fun at the same time? What about in these rather strange ways. I c0uld look.
My dog, Bruno, is causing me some trouble these days. He doesn’t want to ever go out. This means that when I go downstairs every morning I find smelly little doggie surprises littered all over the house. That was the bad news, the even worse news is that I couldn’t find my slippers this morning. Well, it doesn’t take a genius to work out where my right foot landed as I was on the way.
Have you ever tried to type while your head feels like a giant tambourine which some cruel giant is bashing repeatedly? If so then you know exacty how I feel just now. My little girl is going through a phase of wakening up in the middle of night, which means that I am going through a phase of, you guessed it, wakening up in the the middle of the night. What ways could I find.
Don’t you find that there are some days when you like the idea of just doing something different? Today has been a hum ho sort of day so let’s see what I could with the few hours left of it. Is there still time to do something for the first in my life? I don’t believe I have ever listened to any rockabilly music in my life to date, so maybe I could do that.