This list contains the top deals I've found for Deer Resistant Plants. We have also written about Montana Deer Decoy, Deer Decoy and Flowering Plants.
-- Lena

Deer Resistant Plants

Deer feed in the morning and late afternoon -just about the time when due are on the plants. They do not like to troop where there is plenty of food but prefer to stay where there is water. They love to eat nuts, woody and non-woody plants, mushrooms and farm crops. The list seems to cover all but there are actually hundreds of plants that deer will veer away from.

  1. California Deer Resistant Nursery:  A deer native in California might actually eat some plants that native New Yorker deer will not. Oh yes. Deer in different locations have their own particular favorites.  This website has an extensive list of plants, trees and shrubs that deer in a particular US state do not want to eat. (
  2. Deer Resistant Plants: (pdf) There are plenty of websites that feature an extensive list of deer resistant plants. However, most of these sites do not have pictures of the mentioned plants. This website, however, has pictures and snippets on deer resistant plants on its list. It is very useful as it presents the plants in their common and scientific names plus a matching colored photo. (
  3. Deer Resistant Plants (for sale) The website has an extensive list of deer-resistant plants from A-Z,  from perennials to annuals, shrubs to trees, conifers and non-conifers, grasses and more.  Click the desired link and you will be taken to a sales page presenting the plants,  complete with pictures, descriptions and price tag if you order. Very convenient for those who prefer online shopping. (
  4. Deer Proof:  This website features not only a list of deer-resistant plants but also features tips for gardeners on how to minimize deer damage. It also gives an insight on the factors that make a particular shrub or plant a good “snack” for a deer. (
  5. Deer Resistant Shrubs:  Shrubs are very attractive to deer mainly because a deer does not have to look up or look down when munching on a shrub as its height is just about right. Here is a website that has a list of deer proof plants and shrubs. The website is actually a catalog complete with photos, descriptions, price tag and link to an order form. (
  6. Landscape Plants Rated by Deer Resistance:  Here is a list of plants compiled based on the input of landscape and nursery professionals belonging to the Rutgers New Jersey Agriculture Experiment Station.  The list is color-coded under Rarely Damaged, Seldom Severely Damaged, Occasionally Severely Damaged and Frequently Damaged. (
  7. DIY Deer Repellant: There are deer repellants on sale at every home and garden depot. There are green repellants as there are non-green repellants. If you prefer a DIY deer repellant you can always check this site out and concoct your homemade deer repellant. They have a number of recipes sourced from different websites. (
  8. Havahart® Deer Off® Repellents: (video) Here is a website that promotes a brand of deer repellant. If you are not convinced on the merits of a commercial deer repellant, watch the video. (
  9. Deer Fence Kits: Fence-in your garden if you already have an existing non deer-resistant plants and flowers in your garden. There are plenty of fencing kits available online that your choice is extensive. Choose the one that best suits your landscape and location. (
  10. Wireless Deer Fence:  The website sites a wireless deer control system that is eco-friendly and harmless to deer as the posts only emit a very mild shock. It’s hard to determine the strength of the shock but I guess it’s mild and would not burn or cause undue distress to a deer. (

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  1. From Back Home Again on 07 Feb 2012 at 8:42 pm

    […] thing I don’t need are Deer resistant plants, as there are none of the cervidae family roaming around here. However, I could do with some cow […]

Deer Resistant Plants, rated 4.6 out of 5, based on 1 ratings.

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