This list contains the top deals I've found for Free Woodworking Plans. We have also written about Picnic Table Plans, Pergola Plans and Loft Bed Plans.
-- Sofia

Free Woodworking Plans

Typically, wood is the material of use when it comes to building structures since time immemorial. The ancient civilization had wood as the basic material in their building projects and most of the time the kind of wood used was dependent on what was native on their areas until such time when civilization grew which allowed transportation and exchange of different wood materials. At this time of world crisis, people learn the method of DIY but are aiming to get free woodworking plans online to minimize the cost they will incur in the process of finishing their wood projects.

  1. Free Wood Working – Various wood working plans are here for you to choose. Whichever you choose it all is certainly to your advantage as it comes free and as you click an item you will be directed to a link which gives you full details of the plan. Since there are changes on the input daily you can be sure that information are updated. The site is the home database of various woodworking websites which are not all free. (
  2. Wood Plans – This is a collection of numerous plans accumulated for years and is shared by the author to contribute to the rising cost of plans mushrooming in the internet. It posts plans that interest most people and if at all there is something lacking a link is available as another option. There is too much clarity with the plans presented and anyone can surely follow the procedure with much ease. The site also comes up with warnings for your safety while doing the woodwork. (
  3. Popular Woodworking – The site features a video showing a typical woodwork which is to split an oak the basic or traditional way. Not all has in their possession sophisticated tools and at these difficult times there is a call to just use whatever is available. The site let’s you learn some lessons of a lifetime from woodworking’s greatest instructors. These lessons contain guides and tips to make woodworking simple and fun. This is quite important to gain advantage as you expand your woodworking abilities while discovering your set of tools. Thereafter you can start creating beautiful masterpieces. (
  4. Wayne of Woods – While you can take advantage of all the plans being free, you get additional knowledge with the free woodworking tips they offer. The most basic wood furniture pieces are covered, you hardly find one that is lacking and all is free. For each plan, photos accompany each step thus visualizing makes the whole thing easy to follow. (
  5. Lowe’s – The site presents woodwork steps in a very straightforward manner. A diagram supports the steps which you can download in pdf for a clearer idea of the whole thing. You will also get information of the total cost of each project plan which you will do with the materials you can source out at Lowe’s too. The level of skill required is emphasized for your reference. It is never easy but the simple steps minimize the difficulty. (
  6. HGTV – The expert in homemaking, the site has a lot to offer. It does not run out of great ideas for a typical homemaker. The budget-conscious homemaker has DIY as an option. To indulge in it good information from a reliable source has to be in place for easy reference. The site is an expert with easy to do, free of charge plan, making it the homemaker’s perfect buddy. The woodworking plans it has online are relevant and is always updated. The variety of plans available defines it scope gaining advantage over others as it is purely for the homemaker who love wood furniture a lot better than any other kind. (
  7. Popular Mechanics – For your office needs especially the most essential which is the desk, the site offers a very good design in its plan. While technology has evolved making office electronic equipment changing over time, the desk has never been downplayed by these changes. It continues to be the heart of the workplace. Home offices usually prefer wood material which is the site’s specialty. Coupled with a good design and an easy to follow wood plan, just about anyone can have his self-made office desk. (
  8. Woodworking – Woodworking is made fun by this site. You may also choose to make your toys with the use of wood. The site has pretty good plans for toys and games. If you typically like wood furniture they have free plans for you to patiently follow in your wood shop. It comes complete with measured dimensions and material listings. When using quality materials you will be glad to see it standing for years as a proof of your hard work and skill. (
  9. Shopsmith Inc. – Project plans include typical wood furniture like luggage stand for transient visitors. The way the plan is presented is very easy, you can do it like a pro.They also maintained archives of plans which are actually used with details of the user and the time it was used. From the simplest to the hardest woodworking plan they have it covered. (
  10. Build – The site realizes the needs of the DIY people, thus it devotes itself to their service. The plans are the products of the author’s passion on woodwork and writing about them is additionally making him more fulfilled. Sharing them is an accomplishment. With world wide patronage it has come a long way. (

Trackbacks & Pingbacks 3

  1. From This Could Have Been Me on 08 Mar 2012 at 2:02 pm

    […] go on to say that I made a rather decent crucifix at school once. Now, if I get my hands on some free woodworking plans I can maybe fit my own windows and finally get those cupboards […]

  2. From Time for a Job I Want to Do on 06 Aug 2012 at 8:13 pm

    […] it be easy to work with free woodworking plans? I have had a lot of problems with carpenters but maybe I can turn the tables on them and design […]

  3. From We’re Off to Mars on 11 Aug 2013 at 9:30 pm

    […] would definitely need to pack away some free woodworking plans with me. After all, I won’t be able to just walk into a Martian shop and buy a table and some […]

Free Woodworking Plans, rated 4.2 out of 5, based on 3 ratings.

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