This list contains the top deals I've found for Front Yard Landscaping. We have also written about Front Yard Landscaping, Landscaping Shrubs and Backyard Landscaping.
-- Lena

Front Yard Landscaping

A well-maintained front yard adds value to your home by increasing its curb appeal. There’s no need to spend thousands of dollars to make your front yard functional and attractive. Planting perennials, annuals and grass are cheap options so going for a xeriscape for a more eco-friendly approach on sprucing up your front yard landscaping.

  1. Planning Your Front Yard Landscaping: You most probably purchased your house with a few mandatory trees and shrubs but does it really add to the appeal of the house? There are very few simple rules that must be observed when planning the landscaping of your front yard. All temporary and permanent architectural structures must blend in well with the plants. Balance and symmetry are important factors in landscaping. Check out this site for details. (
  2. Front Yard Landscaping: When planning your front yard landscaping an important factor to consider is the level of privacy and visibility. Do you wish all to see your whole front yard up to the main door? Do you wish to maintain a degree of privacy by erecting tall bushes or shrubs or putting up a privacy screen? Check this website for more information. I did and I was able to employ 2-3 great ideas for my front yard. (
  3. 22,118 Front Yard Landscapes Home Design Photos: Surely, the number of photos on this website will give you an idea or two on how to approach designing your front yard. Note that you don’t have to go crazy in buying expensive plants and pavers. Ground covers such as grass and mulch will go a long way. The idea is to design a front yard landscaping that blends with your house and environ. (
  4. 5,934 Small Front Yard Landscaping Ideas Home Design Photos: It is not always easy to landscape a small front yard as there is a need to figure out what type of shrubs, trees and blooms to plant to make the area look more spacious. Check out this website for thousands of suggestions. (
  5. Front Yard (photos): The front yard “sells” the house. No matter how great you backyard is, the more important factor that serves as a sort of “calling card” for your house is the front yard. The front yard landscaping could be as ornate or simple as you wish. You can go for a whimsical landscaping or English countryside one. Note that evergreens are great for year-round landscaping.(
  6. Front Yard Landscapes Secret (photos): There is nothing more appealing than the view and scent of colorful flowers in the front yard. Passers-by will definitely do a double-take when they pass your well-maintained front yard. Bright colors create great impact on your space.  Before you plant, check on existing local regulations. (
  7. Front Yard Landscaping Ideas (photos): Neatly laid-out pavers will surely make any front yard look attractive and well-maintained. Planting ground cover such as grass is and inexpensive way to cover a lot of area. Bushes and shrubs are great for focal points if they are laid and positioned well.  Blooms are great for filing up spaces. (
  8. Front Yard Landscaping (photos): A very well-designed front yard landscape definitely increases the curb appeal of the house. The landscaping should complement the house and welcoming to the residents and guests. There are plenty of options for front yard landscaping -formal or informal, symmetrical or asymmetrical, the options are extensive. (
  9. Front Garden Makeover Ideas: A lot of front yards are rarely used which means that a lot of homes have unattractive front yards. When planning on your front yard’s landscaping, you can think of adding features that will make your front yard an inviting area to relax and entertain family and friends. Check out this website for ideas.  (
  10. Front Yard Landscaping Ideas: The fundamentals of landscaping should be followed when designing your front yard. Some personalization is always good, to make your landscaping unique and a fitting complement to your house. There are several photos on this website for your reference. (

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  1. From What April Fool Prank Would Raise a Smile? on 02 Apr 2013 at 3:24 am

    […] front yard landcaping it is a bit easier to make a foolish prank. For example, I could turn our garden into a post modern […]

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