This list contains the top deals I've found for Outdoor Furniture Covers. We have also written about Wrought Iron Outdoor Furniture, Outdoor Furniture Cushions and Outdoor Furniture Cushions.
-- Lena

Outdoor Furniture Covers

Outdoor living has become an integral part of any home. A large percentage of homeowners have different types of outdoor living spaces for dining, entertaining or simply relaxing. Where there is an outdoor living space, there is outdoor furniture. Where there is outdoor furniture, there is outdoor furniture covers.  Yes, outdoor furniture are designed and made of materials that could withstand some sun and rain. But hey! What’s wrong with providing outdoor furniture covers to make your furniture last long? Here are some websites that deal with outdoor furniture covers.

  1. Different Types of Outdoor Furniture Covers:  There are several types of outdoor furniture in the market today. There are chairs, sofas, umbrellas, tables, chaise lounge, firepits, fountains and even hot tubs. These furniture and equipment do need some form of protection for them to last long and maintain their looks and quality. This website features the different types of outdoor furniture available. (
  2. How to Choose Outdoor Furniture Covers: You just don’t shop for an outdoor furniture covet without considering factors such as the size and type of the furniture and the kind of material and style that you prefer as outdoor furniture cover. (
  3. CoverMates® Elite Outdoor Patio Furniture & Grill Covers:   There are several kinds of material used for outdoor furniture cover and the most popular is vinyl. This material is treated to resist water, dust and grime. It even has a built-in mesh vent so heat and moisture are not trapped inside the cover. (
  4. Tips for Selecting the Best Outdoor Furniture Covers:  Here is another website that discusses the various things to be considered when buying outdoor furniture covers.  Materials to be used should be considered and proper sizing and measurement of the outdoor furniture is a must do. (
  5. Patio Chair Covers: A chair is not just a chair. You can’t just say “I’m looking for an outdoor furniture cover for a chair”. You have to know what type of chair you have so you’ll know what kind of outdoor cover you’ll buy. This site points out to several kinds of patio and outdoor furniture. (
  6. How to Measure Furniture: There are different types and sizes of outdoor furniture. Though it is easy to just buy small, medium and large, it does not work that way. Your measurement should be accurate for the right furniture cover. Here is a site that discusses the proper way to measure varied outdoor furniture. (
  7. How to Measure Patio Furniture (video): Here’s an easy way to learn the right method on how to measure patio furniture. The location of the furniture is important too as you can’t just place, let’s say, a firepit, right by the exterior wall of the any living area. (
  8. Cushion Storage Bags: When it’s raining, snowing or the sun’s ray is just too much, it is best to take out the cushions of the outdoor furniture and store them someplace safe and dry. Well you just can’t throw all those expensive cushions in the basement or storage cabinet without some sort of protection, right? Right! So better get some cushion bags real quick. (
  9. Custom Patio Furniture Cover Quote: So you want some special  cover for your very special outdoor furniture. You feel that a generic outdoor cover will not bode well for you. Well then, try a customized furniture cover. There are probably hundreds and possibly thousands of websites that do customize outdoor covers but so far this site accepts inquires and do quotes. You won’t fumble with the measuring tape too as instructions on how to properly measure a specific chair, table and even a firepit is presented. (
  10. Huge Savings on Furniture Covers:  So you are now convinced on the importance of using outdoor furniture covers and you just have to buy some.  Click the link to see some of the best bargains on outdoor furniture covers. (

Additional User Suggestion

  1. Patio Pat wrote:

    Thanks for posting all of the links for patio furniture covers. I’ve been trying to compare prices all over the internet. Great work on getting the list of sites.

    Posted 20 Apr 2012 at 2:54 pm
Outdoor Furniture Covers, rated 4 out of 5, based on 1 ratings.

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