This list contains the top deals I've found for Shoe Repair. We have also written about Appliance Repair, Motorcycle Repair and Cedar Roof Repair.
-- Kenneth

Shoe Repair

Shoe Repair – Today, it’s hard for us to buy a new pair of shoes in replacement of the ripped or the damaged ones. Shoe Repair Shops restore the functionality and the style your damaged Shoes once have. Check out all the online shops here, and find out how to submit your shoes to them.
  1. NuShoe, NuCraft: Still having those Ripped Shoes? Want to give it a Fresh look and be useful again? NuShoe NuCraft is America’s Finest Handcrafted Shoe Renewal! View the process on how to repair your shoes here. Also, check out all their partnerships here. (
  2. Use’s list of Shoe Repair Shops all over America here. Just type in the city and state into the “location” box. is one of your most trusted Online Directory. (
  3. Timpson: Timpson is a shop offering tons of different services. Check out their products and services like locksmith, Shoes Care, House Signs, Lighters, trophies, Gifts, House Numbers, and other Memorial items. (
  4. Fifth Avenue Shoe Repair: This is the Online Shop of Fifth Avenue Shoe Repair. Check out their new line of items and clothing for Men and Women here. Browse the entire site and don’t forget to check out their on sale items. (
  5. Cesar’s Shoe Repair: This is New York’s Best Shoe Repair shop! Find out how you send your broken shoes to their shop for them to restore its former glory. Check out other Boots and Footwear here. (
  6. Cobblestone: Take good care of your shoes. And if they broke? Cobblestone is in charge now! Find out their complete address now and deliver to them those shoes now. (
  7. Derek Shoe Repair: For all your Shoe Repair and Shoe Accessories, go to Derek’s Shoe Shop. View this page and check out all their Products and Services here. (
  8. YouTube: Watch the promotional video of the Red Wings Shoes Company. Watch it her and check out all their wide range of services and products. (
  9. Pasqual Shoe Repair: This is the online site of Pasqual Shoe repair. View all their forms of media here. Also visit their gallery for all their products and services. Check out their terms and services here. (
  10. Shoe Therapy: The best Shoe Repair Shop in Toronto Area. Check out all possible Shoe problems here. Check out all signature shoes they repair. (

Additional User Suggestion

  1. Simon Wilson wrote:

    Hi there,

    I think you should include this website due to their excellent customer service

    Posted 12 May 2013 at 1:03 pm

Trackbacks & Pingbacks 2

  1. From Things That Remind Me Of Home (and Things That Don’t) on 09 Sep 2011 at 2:49 am

    […] Shoe repair. This might not seem like a big deal but the different way of doing things always jars with me. Back in the UK shops called Mr Shoe or The Old Cobbler or something will repair shoes and cut keys at an exorbitant cost but with great comfort. Here in Bolivia an old guy in ripped trousers with no teeth will sit on a chair under a blazing sun all day sewing leather uppers for next to nothing. Which way do I prefer? I love the fact that you need to speak more to people in order to get things done here but I have to admit that the tough life that people like cobblers live does get to me sometimes. […]

  2. From Could You Live Far from Civilisation? on 26 Aug 2013 at 8:49 pm

    […] a start, they don’t need any shoe repair shops; coz they ain’t got no blooming shoes. I have occassionally wondered what it would be […]

Shoe Repair, rated 4.8 out of 5, based on 3 ratings.

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