Sing a Little Song

Do you ever find that simple phrases sometimes remind you of old songs or even help you create new ones? I was feeling a bit of songwriter inspiration today it seems…

Has anyone ever written a hit song about dog boarding? Or even a non hit one? I reckon that Dog Boarding Blues is a great title. The song starts with some howling and then an insistent Neil Young type guitar riff. It would be from the dog’s point of view and include lines such as, “My owner’s gone and left me. He’s gone on a cheap holid-ay” sung in a rather whiny voice. Could be a Christmas novelty hit.

Searchers of records are also curiously under-represented in the pop charts. Can you imagine 3 minutes of guitar mayhem while the lyrics take about the heady task of tracing local businesses and family records? No. I can’t either but I have a line that goes, “I search high and I search low, few are the records I don’t know”. Could be a nice radio jingle for one of these guys if he’s happy to pay me for the rights.

I remembered an old song thanks to martial arts fitness centre. I am not sure if non UK readers will be aware of the classic “Kung Fu Fighting” by Carl Douglas. Those cats were fast as lightning, indeed. Actually, my sources (ok, wikipedia) tell me that it was big in the US and that it has been used in many films and series I have never heard of.

The mere words Honda town brought a cracking riff into my head. It goes duh, duh, du uh duh (you with me?) duh, du uh duh. Would I need to change the title for legal reasons and call it Wanda town or Thunder town? A future heavy rock classic I think.

Speaking of jewelry for shoes, what was Paul Simon’s “Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes” all about? I had a look online and it seems that, well, no one else knows either. Simon writes these brilliant lyrics that look obvious but when you try and pin down a definition it eludes you every time. Kind of puts my Dog Boarding Blues to shame. Maybe I’ll ask him to rewrite it.

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