Looking after yourself has got to be one of the most important things in anyone’s life. If you get this right then you will be a lot happier, so why do I always forget to do it? Ok, so now is the time to start. Having being brought up in a frugal family in Scotland I learned at an early age that anything other a dry biscuit and some low cost clothing is a luxury but now I am going to change my outlook and think about some necessary luxuries I can treat myself to.
Getting some front yard landscaping done shouldn’t be a luxury really, should it? The houses on my street are all fairly new but every other one has a better garden then me. I just wasn’t cut out for weeding, seeding or whatever else this involves. It seems that some people actually like getting their hands dirty with soil and stuff but for me hiring someone to do it is far from a luxury.
If my mother could see me looking at the best coffee maker on the market she would be shocked. She believes that a rusty old sieve is good enough to filter anything which could be filtered. Now I would love to have to have a machine which makes unfeasibly loud noises as it does the same job as my mum’s sieve in a more expensive way.
Do I want some slipcovers for sofas? Yes, I believe I do. I bought some cool ones a few years ago in La Paz, Bolivia. If you are ever there go to the witches markets by the way. Apart from the unique sofa cushion covers you will find dried llamas, multi skirted women and potions to cure you of anything you might possibly have. Anyway, the covers have now been packed, unpacked and squashed far too often. I am not planning to return to La Paz until my llama disintegrates and I need some new ones now.
Isn’t a full length mirror just dreadfully extravagant and more than a little bit daring? I actually have one in the new shower unit we just bought and I feel rather guilty about using it. Maybe my mum was right and I am just not cut out for luxuries like these.
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