This list contains the top deals I've found for Tankless Water Heaters. We have also written about Whirlpool Water Heaters, Water Heater Reviews and Electric Heaters.
-- Lena

Tankless Water Heaters

Who does not want to be energy efficient? Not I! Surely not you!  This is why we should all consider using tankless water heaters. Why?  Using water heater eliminates heat loss since no warm water is stored in a water tank in one corner of the basement. A tankless water heater offers big savings in energy-usage which translates to saving money.   Below are points to consider and helpful tips for choosing a tankless water heater

  1. Tankless Water Heaters- Pros and Cons: If you still have one of that hot water storage tank in the basement and are thinking of converting to a tankless water heater for the whole house, it is best to know more about what makes a tankless water heater  tick – as its pros and cons. This particular link takes you on a short introduction on point of use thankless water heater and whole-house water heater. (
  2. Tankless Water Heater-What You Need to Know: The article found in the link is very helpful to those who are new in the tankless water heater system. Discussed in details are the two tankless water heater systems, groundwater impact on the water system and even the calculation of temperature rise based on water flow. (
  3. Tankless Water Heater Buying Guide: This website is all about tankless water heaters. It gives a comprehensive explanation on how tankless water heater works, points to consider when selecting a tankless water heater based on fuel type,  location/size/demand, installation and maintenance. (
  4. Water Heaters: Reviews: There are cheap tankless water heaters and there are expensive ones. Buying the most expensive tankless water heater is not an assurance that it is the best. Buying the cheapest one does not mean savings per se as it could easily break down and be ineffective. This website presents  different brands of tankless water heaters reviewed by experts and by consumers. (
  5. Compare Electric versus Gas  Tankless Water Heater: What are the advantages and disadvantages of an electric and gas tankless water heaters?  Which is better? There’s no single answer as what is great for one household does not necessarily mean it’s good for all.  There are several factors that need to be considered to determine which type of tankless water heater to install in your house. (
  6. Electric Tankless Water Heaters: Bosch and Stiebel Eltron are two of the most popular brands of electric tankless water heaters. This website presents some of the more popular and affordable models of the two brands. It is also possible to buy tankless water heaters on this site. (
  7. Top Ten Most Effective Gas Tankless Water Heater: A water heater is a crucial home appliance. There are many tankless water heater options in the market today designed to be time, effort and energy efficient. A gas-powered tankless water heater is  more eco-friendly that many home owners opt for them. This site reviews several gas-powered tankless water heaters that have been proven to be effective and efficient. (
  8. ENERGY STAR Qualified Whole-Home Gas Tankless Water Heater: Always consider an Energy Star qualified tankless water heater as you’ll save energy and money in the long run.  An efficient tankless water heater cuts energy cost by as much as 30%.
  9. How to Install a Tankless Water Heater (video): Here is an easy step-by-step guide on how to install a tankless water heater.   Installing a tankless water heater might not bode well for a person who has no basic knowledge about water pipe installation. For a regular DIY-er, the process is a breeze. (
  10. How to Clean a Tankless Water Heater (video): Cleaning a tankless water heater is part of its maintenance. You can’t expect an appliance to last long if you don’t take care of it. It’s quite simple to clean a tankless water heater. This video will take you through easy steps. However, you need a certified plumber to check on gas pressure and other related things. (

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  1. From Things I Thought I Actually Knew on 18 Apr 2012 at 10:24 pm

    […] on earth could tankless water heaters be all about? I have always been pretty sure that the tank was a pretty basic part of any water […]

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