This list contains the top deals I've found for Wood Burning Stove. We have also written about wood stove heating, Outdoor wood Stove and Wood Pellets.
-- Lena

Wood Burning Stove

For centuries, wood burning stoves have been used in North America and Europe and in parts of Asia.  A wood burning stove is not a “stove” for cooking but primarily for providing heat for the home. It is called a stove because it does look like a stove complete with a chimney for venting out the smoke. However there are wood burning stoves designed so that they could be converted to a “cooking” stove by adding a grate.

  1. Are Wood-burning Stoves Good or Bad? Before you even consider buying a wood burning stove you must take into consideration the pros and cons of one.  If you or anyone in the family has asthma or any pulmonary ailment, better think twice before buying one. (
  2. Wood Stoves Installation: This site has all the necessary information that you need regarding a wood burning stove – from the different types to styles to installation to buying wood to trouble shooting and more. The website could very well be your wood burning stove handbook. (
  3. Woodburning Stoves and Chimney Installation: There is a difference between a wood burner and a multi-fuel wood burning stove. A wood burner does not have a grate while a multi-fuel stove has ashpan and a grate.  Choosing which one is best depends on your requirements and allotted space. This website points out to how to choose the correct size, type and installation of the stove. (
  4. Cast Iron Wood Stove: Cast iron wood stove is known for its efficient and clean heating method. Most cast iron wood burning stoves achieve a clean burn by a non-catalytic system. The double plating used also increase the surface area thus making for a more efficient heat transfer. (
  5. Outdoor Wood Stove: A wood burning stove’s primary use is to provide heat much like the Franklin stove. Some wood burning stoves do provide heat but their primary function is to cook food. An outdoor wood burning stove does both -provide heat and cook food, barbeque at least. Placed in the garden or patio, this type of wood burning stove is a nice and useful garden accessory. (
  6. Wood Heat Stoves: What You Need to Know (video): Here is a straightforward video on ways of selecting the best wood burning stove based on your space and heating requirements.  The video also shows an easy process on how to install a wood burning stove and ways to maintain it. (
  7. The Basic on How to Install a Wood Burning Stove: The website shows a step-by-step method on how to install a proper chimney and stovepipe.  It is a fact that every wood stove needs a chimney and that a chimney needs a stovepipe to connect to a stove. Non-combustible flooring is a must under a wood burning stove. (
  8. Mobile Home Approved Wood Burning Stove:  Is it possible to use a wood burning stove inside a mobile home?  A wood burning stove emits enough heat to warm a small space but what is to be done with the chimney and stovepipe? Here is a video that shows an approved model of a wood burning stove for a mobile home. (
  9. Burning Wood: Which is Best to Burn?: There are different types of wood and for that matter, firewood. Different species of wood have varied burning characteristics and heat content. Which is the best firewood for a wood burning stove? Apple, Ash, Honeysuckle, Oak and Walnut are some of the best firewood. The least favorable are birch, cottonwood, pine and spruce to name a few. (
  10. DIY Wood Burner:  A used butane tank could be made into a working wood burning stove.  You need pieces of pipes and a welder to do this job. This may seem an easy job but a certain precautions must be met to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. (

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  1. From A New Look for the Bathroom on 25 Jun 2013 at 4:43 pm

    […] a wood burning stove be a dangerous thing to place in a bathroom? I mean, while I am enjoying a luxurious bath of asses […]

Wood Burning Stove, rated 5 out of 5, based on 1 ratings.

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